A Personal New Year Message from Professor Collins

Kung Fu literally translated means skill gained through daily practice. Anything that is developed through daily practice can be considered Kung Fu, including jiu jitsu or strength training.

Practice indicates a development of skill in the direction of mastery. If you regularly practice the martial arts, then it can be said that you have a martial art practice.

Martial arts have been practiced for thousands of years. Disciplined masters adhere strictly to a routine of physical training. The result is both a mind and body that remain flexible, strong and resilient.

When I was younger, I practiced martial arts because I had a lot of energy and fight in me. Now I practice the arts because it supports me and strengthens me.

If it’s a training day, I train. It may be jujitsu practice or it may just be strength training, but I train. On the recovery days I recover. I use the mobility exercises and stretching of Tacfit for active recovery. Then I’m ready to train again on training day.

As this new year dawns, I encourage you all to make your Kung Fu strong. Make your martial art practice and your strength training practice a pillar of stability in your life. You will find that this pillar supports and protects you. It will build you up and make you stronger than ever.

I wish everybody an amazing 2025.

I look forward to watching everybody’s progress in the coming year.

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